Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills

The second edition of this successful guide to writing for graduate-and undergraduate-students has been modified to include updates and replacements of older data sets; an increased range of disciplines with tasks such as nursing, marketing, and art history; discussions of discourse analysis; a broader discussion of e-mail use that includes current e-mail practices.

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Fundamentals of Academic Writing

""Fundamentals of Academic Writing," " by Linda Butler, is the newest addition to the Longman Academic Writing Series. "Fundamentals "provides beginning-level students with the essential tools they need to master basic academic writing by integrating sentence structure, paragraph organization, grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and the writing process. "Fundamentals "leads students to build strong academic writing skills that will last them throughout their academic careeers

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Fundamentals of Academic Writing

Fundamentals of Academic Writing, is the newest addition to the series. It provides beginner students with the essential tools they need to master basic academic writing. It looks at sentence structure, paragraph organisation, grammar, mechanics and vocabulary

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Longman Academic Writing series 1

The Longman Academic Writing Series helps develop student writing from basic composition of sentences and paragraphs to academic essays and research papers. At each level, students are offered guidance in the complete writing process from prewriting to revision, and are provided with clear explanations, extensive practice, and consistent coverage of sentence mechanics and grammar.

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Acadamic writing Chỉ dẫn viết luận chuẩn quốc tế dành cho sinh viên

Academic Writing sẽ giúp các sinh viên quốc tế viết tốt các bài luận và báo cáo cho các khóa học bằng tiếng Anh của họ. Được sửa đổi và cập nhật kỹ lưỡng, cuốn sách ra đời với mong muốn giúp giảng viên và sinh viên dễ dàng tìm ra các chủ đề họ cần, cả trong lớp học lẫn quá trình tự học.

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How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing

In this second edition of his popular guidebook, Paul Silvia offers fresh advice to help you overcome barriers to writing and use your time more productively. After addressing some common excuses and bad habits, he provides practical strategies to motivate students, professors, researchers, and other academics to become better and more prolific writers. Silvia draws from his own experience in psychology to explain how to write, submit, and revise academic work, from journal articles to books, all without sacrificing evenings, weekends, and vacations. The tips and strategies in this second edition have been updated to apply to academic writing in most disciplines. Also new to this edition is a chapter on writing grant and fellowship proposals.

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Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills

Introduction to: An Approach to Academic Writing; General - Specific and specific - general texts; Problem, process and solution; Data commentary; Writing Summaries; Writing Critiques; Constructing a Research

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Longman Academic Writing Series 3.Paragraphs To Essays

The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers. The five-level series spans writing topics from composing sentences to writing research papers. Each level covers the complete writing process from prewriting to revision. Level 3 teaches intermediate students to write various genres of academic paragraphs and essays. The text's proven approach integrates training in grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, sentence structure, and paragraph and essay organization along with the writing process.

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Longman Academic Writing series 4

Longman Academic Writing Fourth edition is comprehensive rhetoric and sentence structure textbook/workbook for high-intermediate to advanced English language learners who are in college or are college bound. The book teachers writing in a straightforward manner, using a step – by – step approach. Clear, relevant models illustrate each step, and varied practices reinforce each lesson.

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Longman Academic Writing Series 2. Paragraphs (Third Edition)

Describing People; Listing - order Paragraphs; Giving Instructions; Describing with Space Order; Stating Reasons and Using Examples; Expressing Your Opinion

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